Guest Announcement James Duval

James Duval, born on September 10, 1972, is an American actor known for his diverse roles in both mainstream and independent cinema. He gained widespread recognition for his portrayal of Frank in the cult classic “Donnie Darko” (2001), a mind-bending psychological thriller. Duval’s enigmatic performance contributed to the film’s enduring legacy. His talent first shone in blockbuster hits like “Independence Day” (1996) and “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000), where he showcased his versatility by seamlessly transitioning between genres.

In the realm of independent cinema, James Duval collaborated with director Gregg Araki on multiple projects. Beginning with “Totally F***ed Up,” (1993) and continuing with “The Doom Generation,” (1995) and “Nowhere” (1997), he solidified his presence in the alternative film scene. Duval’s filmography is marked by his commitment to diverse roles, including the critically acclaimed “SLC Punk” (1998), and later “Punk’s Dead: SLC Punk 2” (2016). These coming-of-age films explored the punk subculture in Salt Lake City and showcased Duval’s ability to capture the raw essence of his characters. With notable performances in the horror film “May” (2002) and again in the thriller “Sushi Girl” (2012), he showcased his enduring appeal to audiences across various genres.

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